I followed the news, gossips and spoilers about who's the next bachelor 2011. So many speculations, everybody's guessing and hoping that it will be someone like Chris Lambton. The majority really likes him to be the next bachelor but we all know that his hesitant to do it. Others are sure that it's Brad Womack, searching for love the second time around? Until the announcement on Sept. 27, 2010 in DWTS is heared then everybody can have peace of mind.
I have an observation of my own, Chris Lambton is attending the "Meet Chris L from the Bachelorette" sponsored by Patrick Foran who's a candidate for the 1st Barnstable State Representative Seat which encompasses the Towns of Brewster, Dennis, and most of Yarmouth. It's on monday Sept. 27, 2010 from 6:00pm. - 8:00pm. so the announcement of the next bachelor on DWTS falls on the same date and time. Is it a possibility that Chris Lambton will never be the next bachelor? Are the spoilers that Brad Womack will return to the Bachelor is true?
If it's not Chris Lambton, i prefer to watch it with a new face, someone who's worth watching for every monday nights. They should not choose the same person who has already experienced to be on the show but anything is possible. I will still support whatever Chris Lambton decides. For once, he makes us laugh, cry and hope, giving us awesome moments in The Bachelorette.
part of me would be happy if he wasn't the next bachelor because i think he has been on tv enough. he seems like a sort of private person and i would hate for him to get heartbroken in front of america. and....part of me wants to meet him for myself :)